I like Adam Baldwin as an actor. No, not that Adam Baldwin of the Brothers Baldwin - this Adam Baldwin. I enjoyed him in Firefly and its film continuation, Serenity. He played a tough guy living on the fringes of society, outside the law, sort of a loose cannon, but a real good-bad guy to have on your side.
He currently plays a similar role, but one constrained by the uniform of the U.S. Navy in the TV series, The Last Ship. It's a good show that just got renewed. The premise of that show is that an engineered virus has destroyed 80% of humanity. One ship, the USS Nathan James (Baldwin plays XO Mike Slattery), holds the key to a cure as it sails around seeking supplies and refuge from a Russian ship out to destroy it, but not before obtaining its vaccine.
But after reading an article by Tabatha Southey in today's Globe and Mail about the 'Gamergate controversy' (Baldwin apparently first used the Twitter hashtag #GamerGate) I'm wondering if Baldwin is taking the script of The Last Ship too seriously. Southey had this to say about Baldwin:
An actor best known for playing a lovable jackass on Firefly who now plays a significantly less loveable jackass on Twitter. Baldwin coined the term Gamergate, which replaced the much-less-likely-to-be-taken-seriously-even-on-the-Internet term Quinnspiracy, and keeps it, and several foundling libertarian conspiracy theories, alive.
Only a man bold enough to tweet questions like, “What hard evidence is there that Obama doesn’t want Ebola in America?” [emboldening mine] can frame the debate around game-journalism ethics without drawing distracting parallels between the arrangements and sympathies occurring within that industry (free games for preview, camaraderie) and the relationship that exists between film critics and movie studios, or between the travel industry and travel writers, about which there’s little hysteria and no threats. (See “Rape.”) How it is that Adam Baldwin is as huge a jackass as he seems to be without being one of the infamous Baldwin brothers remains one of the great mysteries of this whole affair.
As some gamers might say, 'Consider the gender of the writer.'
Why the title of this post? Baldwin was born in Winnetka, IL, namesake of a famous jazz tune.
He should be moving out of his parents' basement any day now.
I need to rest now. Way too much information for my first day in Vancouver.
"Rape: A hilarious word (like wombat!) to be used whenever you find yourself in an argument with a woman. You don’t even have to wait for an argument. Is there a woman attracting attention of any kind on the Internet? Consider threatening to rape her. Later, suggest she needs to lighten up." - Tabatha Southey, in her Globe and Mail article
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