With one week left until tax day in the USA, here are some thoughts.
1) Mad Men's season 6 premiered last night. You can read various expert opinions here and here. Thoughts about people of color here. Not sure what I think about my once-favorite show. I do know one thing: I'm liking Peggy Olson (Elisabeth Moss) more and more. And where is Betty (January Jones) headed?
2) I'm not the world's greatest moviegoer but I always enjoyed the late Roger Ebert's reviews and
disagreements with the late Gene Siskel, whom he delighted in criticizing and belittling. Rest in peace, Roger.
3) Sad to hear that original Mouseketeer, Annette Funicello, died today at age 70 after a quarter-century battle with multiple sclerosis. She got her start on the iconic Disney TV show, and progressed to a recording career and starring with Frankie Avalon in those 'beach blanket bingo' movies. Annette, you have no idea how many boys imagined you as the object of their affections. Wonder if Roger Ebert ever reviewed any of her movies?
4) Margaret Thatcher, the 'Iron Lady', former UK PM, died today at age 87. Fascinating
person who remade Britain. For better or worse? Don't ask me, but I suspect it was a little bit of each. Seems like many people either loved her or hated her; I'm in neither camp. Factoid: she was originally trained as a chemist.
5) Ah...morons! Power couple Beyoncé and Jay-Z (no, they are not the morons) celebrated their fifth anniversary by heading to Cuba, that evil island of '57 Chevys and the Castro brothers. BFD, right? Well, no. Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Mario Diaz-Balart, Florida Republicans who are Cuban-Americans, have inquired about the nature of the couple's trip.
That doesn't
surprise me, as the two Miami Morons are still fighting the Castro brothers and supporting the USA's cockamamie embargo that has empowered the Castros and their fellow travelers. Thanks to people like the Miami Morons and their ilk, Fidel became the darling of misguided lefties all over the world. The embargo prolonged his oppressive dictatorship and brought misery to the Cuban people. And yet the Miami Cuban-Americans sent money home to Cuba, which helped prop up Castro. Way to go, guys!
Bite me!
"Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't." - Margaret Thatcher