The President-for-Life is normally a patient and reasonable man.
Well, some of the time.
But he does have a pet peeve with the Smithsonian's Adopt-A-Library Program. For those of you unfamiliar with this program, it is a way to send issues of Smithsonian magazine to schools. The First-Lady-for-Life and I have supported two school libraries for about 18 years. We pay for their subscriptions in the Fall of each year.
So what drives me crazy? Well, the idiots in the Tampa, FL, firm that handles the subsciptions keep sending out renewal notices about every 6-7 weeks like clockwork. These notices warn us that our subscription is about to expire and that these schools will be deprived of a wonderful resource. Doesn't matter that we renew each Fall; these notices are relentless. Each notice contains two pieces of paper and a business reply envelope, plus the original envelope.
I have written to and spoken with these people about wasting their money and destroying trees, but nothing fazes them in the swift completion of their annoying rounds. The notices keep coming. I know they are hoping that you forgot that you renewed so that you will send them more money.
I realize that Smithsonian is certainly not the only organization that does this. Planned Parenthood is another offender, constantly urging us to renew our membership even though we have. There are others, too,
But Smithsonian is by far the most egregious offender, hands down.
"You can't fix stupid." -- Ron White
I want to switch the library to which my subscription is sent. There is no way to do it.
Posted by: Andy | Thursday, 16 March 2023 at 09:52 AM
On 6/18/16 this is still going on. I've been in the Adopt-a-Library program for many years but this year I've received 5 or 6 renewal notices since I sent in my renewal in February. All my requests for a response to my problem have gone unanswered. I WANT the libraries on my list to get their magazines but how do I know that's happening? Isn't anyone at the Smithsonian listening?
Posted by: Shirley Siferd | Saturday, 18 June 2016 at 12:02 PM