In two parts This American Life's Ira Glass spins the tale of Glynn County (GA) Superior Court Judge Amanda Willimas, who cuts 'em no slack in her three-county (Glynn, Camden, and Wayne) drug court.
Part 1:
Ira reports from Glynn County Georgia on Superior Court Judge Amanda Williams and how
she runs the drug courts in Glynn, Camden and Wayne counties. We hear the story of Lindsey Dills, who forges two checks on her parents' checking account when she's 17, one for $40 and one for $60, and ends up in drug court for five and a half years, including 14 months behind bars, and then she serves another five years after that—six months of it in Arrendale State Prison, the other four and a half on probation. The average drug court program in the U.S. lasts 15 months. But one main way that Judge Williams' drug court is different from most is how punitive it is. Such long jail sentences are contrary to the philosophy of drug court, as well as the guidelines of the National Association of Drug Court Professionals. For violating drug court rules, Lindsey not only does jail terms of 51 days, 90 days and 104 days, Judge Williams sends her on what she calls an "indefinite sentence," where she did not specify when Lindsey would get out.
We hear about how Brandi Byrd and many other offenders end up in drug court, and we hear how one model drug court participant, Charlie McCullough, was treated by Judge Williams. (25 minutes)
Here are some comments on Judge Williams froma local paper.Here is her re-election WWW site.View this video by Joe Iannicelli about corruption involving Judge Williams and her son Nathan, also an attorney.
Gee, and she looks so sweet!
Word to the wise: don't get busted in Glynn County!
“Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful may be just." -- Blaise Pascal
"I am the law." -- Judge Dredd
What a witch.
Posted by: Sara | Friday, 01 April 2011 at 03:27 AM
Posted by: passing the word | Tuesday, 29 March 2011 at 07:50 AM