Can't think of a reason to vote? Know someone who says his/her vote doesn't count? Visit I heard about it on NPR a few weeks ago.
"Rickey" is the nickname of a college buddy of the site owner who doesn't vote because it doesn't count.
Speaking of voting and elections, Mary Frances and I still get calls (live and robo) about voting in New Mexico even though we have not lived there since May 2006 and don't have any New Mexico area codes for any of our phones. Just the other day Gov. Bill Richardson graced us with several calls.
Here in Oregon, we are beyond all that. We all vote by mail and the calls these days are few because most of us have voted.
"I've heard you boys would vote for a nigger before a Republican. Well, I'm here to tell you that come this November, you'll get your chance." -- attributed to former Gov. Douglas Wilder (D-VA), addressing white coal miners in western Virginia during his gubernatorial campaign.
"I don't know if you're going to use the word 'terrorist' there." --Sarah Palin, asked if people who bomb abortion clinics are terrorists, NBC News interview, 23 October 2008