In Campanastan few things are banned outright. An exception to this rule is the Successories product line, primarily the "inspirational" prints, calendars, planners, and other "motivational" products.
Here's one extolling "teamwork", with the inspirational quote,
"With a clear vision and room to run, the true power of the tem is unleashed." Only $84.99!
Then we have "Opportunity: Create a path where there is none. A world of possibilities lies ahead." This one is a steal at only $134.99
So in Campanastan it is a crime to display these in public or even possess one. Those caught with intent to sell or distribute are treated harshly, usually exiled to Zimbabwe or Arkansas.
But now we have "Demotivators" ("Increasing success by lowering expectations") from (thanks to Jared from, who credits with his salvation). Check these out:
Perfect for:
- the hubristic CEO who started your
- the venture partner who made him feel small
- the disaffected college student
- the class-action lawyer who's putting the squeeze on them
- the investment banker who made her feel objectified.
Now, how about this one:
Perfect for:
- Ensuring you get the last word
- Hostage negotiators
- Arab-Israeli conflcit mediators
- People who work for George Steinbrenner
- Diasaffected college students
And, finally....
Perfect for:
- HR people
- Disaffected college students
- College deans
- Mitt Romney staffers
There are plenty more when the above came from. Take a look.
Check out the Bittersweets - perfect Valentine sweets for that special person (ex-wife, boyfriend who dumped you, former boss, et al.). They come in three varieties: Dejected, Dumped, and Dysfunctional. Each heart-shaped piece has a special message, such as:
- We had plans
- Dork magnet
- Prenup okay?
- Booty 2 big
- Loss leader
- U left seat up
- No fix 4 dumb
- Sub prime
- Russian bride
"It's always darkest before it goes completely black" -- Unknown
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